Solan, an orphan, finds himself in the oddest of predicaments. When swallowed by a giant magical carp and ends up on "Lonely Planet". Lonely Planet is a strange place where all living things take on its true form. Solan's body ages drastically due to his hard life as an orphan resulting him in being wise beyond his years. On Lonely Planet Solan meets two ambiguous giants who eat all human visitors. Thus explaining the sprits Solan is surrounded by. Solan is an honest and kind person, despite his unfair life. But he comes to build a special relationship with the giants, names Sah and Ka. Solan learns that they're not exactly evil just misunderstood. As they do live on Lonely Planet, Solan discovers thats lonely people help lonely people. Ultimately defeating the cold gloom that hazed over the land and being able to return home. This is a story about how one kind soul can have an effect on the world around it.